So today I was getting dressed to do my 4 miles on the treadmill. I put on stretchy shorts, exercise bra tank, and an exercise shirt to cover up the fact that my bra tank wont stay down over my 3 baby gut. Then I went on to my shoes, I have bloody raw heels where I once had blisters so I thought I better start with some band-aids, then on with the socks and shoes.....
So Im doing my thing, listenin to my new upbeat ipod exercise music, walking, sweating and them my bandaid come off my left heal dang it, Im dying, Im already bleeding I can tell. I scan the room. I see an old sock of Gage's on the dresser next to me and in an effort not to loose my momentum to much I straddle the treadmill, take off my shoe part way, stuff the sock in my sock and retie my shoe. Voila, all fixed, for two minutes, that is until the right bandaid comes off darn it. I scan the room again, no socks to be seen, darn it, what will I do, what will I do?..... I open my underware drawer, no idea why, Im NOT putting underware in my shoes. I bypass old bras that no longer fit my three baby boobs, I consider ripping up a pair of undies, and then I see a old breast pad, you know the washable cotton kind. I grab it, staddle the treamill again and shove it in, tie up shoe and hit the treadmill again. And wow, this is even better than the sock!!! Im gonna do this every day!!!!
So now I have a REAL reason for not getting rid of that huge bag of breast pads even though you never need them past the 6 month mark. Breast pads/ankle savers :D. I should patent them, I know I cant be the only one who gets raw heals every time they walk!